Friday, June 17, 2011

The moment of truth

To all my readers,
How do i start this one, Let me start by saying that I have managed my life okay, I may have bumps in the way, but i have manage to survive them. And moved on. I am very much enjoying my new life here in phoenix az. It's the best. I have survive with my disability. This is kind of hard to announce this, like this in public. But i want to do. thank you...

Many years ago back in 1978. The year i was born. Oct. 1st on the first (1st day of october) I was born at phoenix general hospital. Az. Before my mom had me that day, Mom couldn't really know, but she new something was wrong, but couldnt quite figure it out. But the day i was born doctors said that i was okay. But when i was a baby I was told by my mom. That i couldn't do everything i was suppose to do when i was a baby toddler. I couldn't crawl, speak. not even trying to walk. It toke me a long time to do all that. when i do speak, No one could understand me what i am trying to say. My younger sister nicole was the only one that could understand me.One day in sometime in the evening mom was cooking dinner and i was in the livingroom playing on the floor, But i couldnt crawl or walked yet. But some how I managed to get under the couch. And when i was trying to get out, I couldn't So i screamed out for mom. And mom looked around for me and couldnt find me, but when my dad picked up the couch mom picked me up and told me not to do it again. I managed to get under the couch again. But I still couldn't get out. I screamed again. lol " I find this story funny." When my baby brother Eric was born he was very sick. Doctor asked mom if there was anyone else in the family sick. Mom mention me. And brought me in and the doctor did every test on me, to find out why i was sick. It's turns out the doctor had found something, He found an extra chromosone, Mosaic downsyndrome. It's kind of hard for me to explain it, but what i have is a rare form of down Syndrome. "You or anyone can not see it on me. I can suprise everyone about it, and they get stunned. Because not they can see it. Having downsyndrome is hard, but i should be lucky because i can manage to do alot of things on my own, like I can live alone, i can cook, and clean. I pay my own bills. I really don't need anyone to help me. But I do make mistakes and i don't mean to do it. I move on from it. But i do... I also have a learning disability. I can do basic skills. I was in special ed when i was in school. And one year of my junior high. My old Princpal Mr. Barrs was very impress with my school work and had decided to take me out of special ed, and put me in regular basic classes. Mr. Barrs had passed away long ago.But I like to thank him again for taking me out of special ed. I will nevered forget him. I nevered had any homework to take home. But one day i asked if i could have homework. And my teacher did. cool. I remember one day my teacher, Mrs. Denton had helped me one after school with a science project, and afterwards she treated me to Friendly's for ice cream. I was teased and picked on in school. and one year of high school. when i was in the 9th grade. When we moved back to Rhode island. and entered westerly high school. 10th grade. again. picked on alot. Finally my junior and senior year i wasnt really picked on as much anymore. And that was really good. When i graduated high school. on june 12th 1998. My mom was so proud me graduation. I asked if i could go on vacation to visit. my aunt renee in arizona. And i did. For years i come out here and visit. And finally been wanting to move out here and i finally did last year. 2010. I been here now for 1 year now. I love it here as always. love the weather. I came close passing out in the heat last sunmer. But i survived. It will take time, my cousin alan said it will take about three years to get back to normal with this kind of heat. Anyways. To this day now," I heather Kylene Hillebert. 32 yrs of age and still single. But I am kind of seeing someone now." I do make mistakes but i try not too. I don't mean too. But i do learn from it. I am getting out more. I still watch tv alot. But I get out when i want too, Or invited to go out. I live alone, but i do call my aunt and cousin to let them i am okay. I don't have too, But i do... I'm okay with that... I love you aunt renee and carrie. Before i go want to say to everyone, is follow your heart. and just be yourself. always kylene